Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Trade Case Studies Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Exchange Case Studies - Assignment Example The models of exchange created by Paul Krugman can likewise clarify intra-industry exchange as a result of economies of scale, monopolistic rivalry, and purchaser inclination for item decent variety. The improvement in the field of geology prompted his work attributing particularly since it assists with clarifying the center fringe example of urbanization and relocation as saw in a great part of the world. Likewise, Paul Krugman has made imperative commitments to the exploration on key approaches of exchange and cash emergencies. The exchange organizations which have exchange designs that comply with Krugman’s hypothesis are apparel, shoes, eateries, and administration organizations in significant urban areas. The exchange designs adjusting to Krugman’s hypothesis displayed by these organizations show that the expenses of creation diminish with expanding market costs bringing about lower harmony costs for the items. Globalization can have moving disadvantages to certain nations on the planet. Initially, the importation of modest items from creating nations could prompt significant levels of joblessness in created nations because of the significant expenses of creation. Besides, the specialization specifically items by certain nations could prompt joblessness in other non-organized divisions of the economy. At long last, globalization has prompted exceptional rivalry for up and coming organizations in creating nations and the ‘Dumping’ of merchandise underneath the expense of creation cost hurting the organizations in those nations (Perloff, 2004, p.7). Globalization as a world issue of concern has positively affected my life because of the formation of an unhindered commerce zone, end of exchange limitations, for example, exchange taxes, a wide scope of items and administrations to browse, and decrease of transportation costs, for instance, the expense of delivery for merchandise The obliviousness of the conceivable occupation misfortunes in the

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Write Amazing Essays With the Clockwork Orange

Write Amazing Essays With the Clockwork OrangeWriting essays can be an interesting challenge. Some topics require more thought than others, but that does not mean you cannot succeed with them. In fact, the entire process of writing an essay can be made easier by going into detail about the topic and getting your point across as best as possible.The best way to approach a topic of this nature is to sit down and list all of the questions you have about the topic. In other words, come up with a list of questions you would like to ask before you begin writing. The more questions you have the better off you will be at writing the topic and coming up with the most precise and accurate essay you can.However, one of the most important tips in terms of writing a topic is not so much in coming up with questions, but to make sure you decide on a specific topic of interest. How do you do this? Well, for one thing, if you are planning on writing a paper that is on a personal or family subject, th e best advice you can give yourself is to write as if you were reading a diary or newspaper article. You'll be surprised by how detailed you can get if you just take a step back and let yourself explore and get to know the subject at hand.For the most part, you should be able to create a natural rhythm that is evident in the type of writing you're doing. Not only will this help you develop your vocabulary, but it will also help you keep track of where you are in your research. This is very important because when you are in a particular period of time or studying a particular topic, your brain knows how to process the information and find connections between different pieces of information.Once you are able to create a natural rhythm, the next thing you need to do is get into a general outline of what you are trying to say with your paper. This is where the clockwork orange comes in. All you need to do is identify the main points of your essay and then break them down into smaller po ints.Now, you can start to think about how each theme will relate to each point that you are working on. This helps you to jump from one theme to another as you are composing the piece. By breaking the essay down into distinct themes, you will be able to use the themes to create sub-themes and the sub-themes to jump to another point that pertains to the main theme.You can also use essay topics and themes as starting points for breaking the writing down further. This will give you a good place to begin your research when you are actually writing. You can then use this information as you start researching other topics that relate to the subject.The main idea behind a clockwork orange essay topics is to use the themes you are using as jumping points to get to other topics. When you are able to create a rhythm and use different essay topics as a springboard, you will be well on your way to a finished essay that is absolutely perfect.

Friday, August 21, 2020

The Minutes Pass :: Personal Narrative, Autobiographical Essay

The Minutes Pass I sit at a round work area for eight hours eight bucks an hour and doodle. The telephone rings a few times like clockwork (if I’m fortunate, that is) and the number of inhabitants in individuals more than 50 appears to ascend continuously. I sit with my legs crossed, shoe less, wearing â€Å"work† shoes and my â€Å"work† grin. I appreciate the organization I wind up in, regardless of whether it is a decent book and a pleasant idea of myself at the sea shore. So I play tunes in my mind, sing melodies of greatness softly, even nibble on saltines when my stomach protests. At this moment I’ve got â€Å"Riders on the Storm† cooperating in my mind Riders on the tempest riders on the tempest Into this world we’re naturally introduced to this world we’re toss It’s kinda interesting, seeing as how among the huge tune documents the Doors have recorded, I for the most part locate this one to intrigue me the least, however consistently hear it up on the radio, exaggerated in time. I mean don’t misunderstand me - extraordinary tune, superior to most - however to the extent the Doors go, I discover the tune rather everyday. It has gotten acknowledged by the general population, simply on the grounds that it’s excessively far out of handle for customary individuals to really decide its actual and consistent significance. Obviously, they’re all negligent of this. Just evident Americans, and perhaps a few Europeans, can arrive at a type of resolution inside themselves about reality in things of little significance. Europeans I state, since they live inside their way of life, see the past and their history. Most Americans then again, embrace the here and now, see just BIG and eat at McDonald’s. I state â€Å"Americans† in light of the fact that we’re the home of the free, the home of the courageous, such great stuff. Each and every other nation admires us for some explanation †we are the Mother nation. Just it takes a genuine American to really remark on the realities that truly become an integral factor while living in an obvious society. I mean children are as yet ravenous, family units are disturbed, yet there’s a working world out there for all of us. Employments ought to be out there, and I figure they might be.

Thursday, June 4, 2020

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act - Free Essay Example

The Affordable Care Act (Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act), commonly called Obamacare, is a federal statute that was signed into law in March of 2010 (Van de Water, 2011). It basically requires most people in the United States who do not have insurance coverage to acquire that coverage or face penalties. People who already have insurance through their employers or on their own will not be asked to change companies. Additionally, anyone who is on federally-funded insurance such as Medicaid or Medicare and still qualifies for those programs will not be removed from their insurance. They will still be covered and protected. In order to find out more about the Act and really understand its main points and principles, however, it is very important to be aware of how it became a law and any changes that have taken place to it from its inception all the way through where it is today. Only then can a person have a clear understanding of the Act and form an opinion as to the value it may (or may not) provide to the American public. There is still much speculation and a great deal of misunderstanding about the Act and what it involves. The issue regarding the lack of healthcare in America is prominent but is a more significant issue than what is commonly known. For instance, it is not publicly recognized that those who are mentally ill are covered by the same healthcare as those with conventional ailments. Because of this, money becomes an issue; health insurers cannot cover every case or cannot fully cover any case. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) and Patient Protection Act, both part of Obamacare, were passed to fix this very issue; these acts are ultimately attempts to reach parity. However, the chance to have healthcare that fulfills parity, equality of coverage, has passed, the ACA is too late, and it is time to come up with new solutions. To settle for the ACA as the final step towards parity is mediocre at best. The Affordable Care Act has been at the center of political debate within the United States for the since current President Barack Obama signed it into law in 2010. The act represents the most significant regulatory healthcare overhaul of the United States healthcare system since the passage of both Medicaid and Medicare collectively Initially, the ACA was enacted with the goals of increasing the availability of affordable health insurance, lowering the uninsured rate by expanding public and private insurance and reducing cost of healthcare for individuals and the government (Robert, 2012). Proponents of the acts passage have articulated that the ACA provides service for free, such as preventative health coverage for those registered, it requires that insurance companies can no longer deny persons or children with pre-existing conditions and will close the Medicare Donut Hole for prescription drugs. While the Act has the potential to provide better quality of healthcare for the Ameri can populace, opponents argue that the ACA is flawed and could create a quagmire of cost and confusion with its implementation. Arguments against it hold the belief that it would force employers with religious affiliation to provide services to employees through their health plans that directly contradict their values. Because of cost, companies may void out of their employer health insurance and pay a penalty as opposed to pay for employee insurance. Lastly, the act is said to focus more on registration the addressing cost of healthcare. While these issues are pertinent, the overall accessibility to healthcare created by the ACA and outweighs the negating arguments. A primary reasoning for promoting the act for the fact that it offers free preventative health care coverage (, 2013). Because of the ACAs passage into law, most health plans must cover a set of preventive services like shots and screening tests at no cost. This includes marketplace private insurance plans. All marketplace plans must cover a broad list or preventative services without charging a copayment or coinsurance (, 2014). The list required is long and expansive it what it includes. Services provided now include coverage for such things as HIV screening, cholesterol screening, blood pressure screening for all adults. The list also extends to cognitive dysfunction such as depression screening offered for all adults. This coverage is available to most health insurance plans whether they are privately insured, or the enrollee is a benefactor of Medicaid ( or you are an enrollee in Medicare ( As a result of this preventati ve coverage, it places healthcare in the hands of the enrollee. Rather than wait until a health issue has boiled over and has evolved into a chronic debilitating disease, enrollees now have the ability to be more active in disease prevention by not worrying about incurring cost and seeking help. Prior to this, those with insurance or without would have to be much more cognizant of how they disperse their funds regarding their health. While this is still very much the case, people no longer must be in the dark regarding their health. They can actively seek their health status without fear of financial repercussions. By preventing chronic diseases from being manifested, healthcare cost, insurance cost and emergency rooms visits will hopefully be reduced because of having a populous in good general health. The ACA continues this trend of placing more power in the enrollees hand by holding insurance companies more accountable. By accountable, it connotes the fact that insurance companies can no longer deny children based upon pre-existing conditions (, 2013) Until now, plans could refuse to accept anyone because of a pre-existing health condition, or they could limit benefits for that condition. Now, under the health care law, plans that cover children can no longer exclude, limit, or deny coverage to a child under age 19 solely based on a health problem or disability that the child developed before you applied for coverage. This rule applies to all job-related health plans as well as all individual health insurance policies (, 2014) This new regulation provides financial ease for families who are burdened by their childs debilitating disease. Money can now be placed towards other life necessities for the families to improve their overall quality of life. As opposed to w orrying about mounting healthcare cost, finances can be allocated towards things like food, education and other investments. Accountability is again kept at a constant through the ACA by not allowing insurance companies to drop anyone from coverage once they get sick. If a company denies someone coverage, that person can go to an external appeals process (, 2013). The appeal process states when an insurance plan denies payment for a treatment or service, you can request an appeal. When your plan receives your request, it is required to review its own decision. It is now required that the company explains, the reason your claim was denied, your right to file an internal appeal your right to request an external review if your internal appeal was unsuccessful (, 2014). By extending coverage to those with preexisting conditions, developed conditions and establishing an appeal process for enrollees, the ACA laments that it seeks to protect the interest of the individual. The interest of the individual is further established within the ACA by seeking to close the Medicare Donut Hole for prescription drugs (, 2014). Most prescription drug plans have a coverage gap. This creates a temporary limit on what the drug plan will cover for drugs. This coverage gap begins after the enrollee has spent a certain amount for covered drugs (, 2014). Essentially, under Medicare plan D; the enrollee pays 100% out of pocket until they reach the deductible. After reaching this deductible, the enrollee then pays 25% of the drug cost until while the Medicare plan pays for the rest until you reach the total of your plan of $2,800. Once this limit is reached the enrollee has entered the donut hole and pays the total cost of the drug until it incurs to a total of $4,550 (, 2014). This cost can be burdensome for the elderly who are either retired or are unable to work, yet still require the assistance of prescription drugs to sustain a certain quality of life. The ACA seeks to preserve a well-established quality of life for this specific population by closing this gap in coverage. (2014) states that a progression of assistance has been established to mend this issue. As of 2010, if the enrollee had entered the Part D donut hole he/she will receive a one-time, $250 rebate check. Starting in 2011, they will receive a 50% discount on brand-name drugs in the donut hole, and you will start to pay less and less for the generic Part D drugs in the donut hole. By 2020, it is anticipated that the coverage gap will be closed of Medicare recipients. Recipients will pay 25% of the cost until they reach the yearly out-of-pocket spending limit (, 2014). By closing the gap for Medicare enrollees, it places money into the hand of the recipients to ensure an improved quality of life. This is a similar approach to the free preventative health care and extending coverage to those with chronic diseases. Essentially, it diminishes the load of ascending healthcare bills and seeks to place power into the hands of the American individual. Opponents would argue that placing power into the hands of the individual is not the case referring to the ACA. Instead, the ACA forces hardship upon employers. Starting in 2015, companies with more than 50 full-time employees are required to provide health insurance for their employees (Understanding Obamacare). An annual fee of $2000 will be required for each employee. When an employer offers health coverage they also need to meet an affordability test. This requires that an employee should not have to pay more than 9.5% of his/her income on self-coverage. If the plan fails to meet this, then the employer will have to pay an annual $3000 annual fine for each worker that goes on health coverage and get a subsidy for it. This cost could be potentially hazardous for employers who are barely above the minimum requirement with regards to the number of employees. While the ACA seeks to help the individual, employers can anticipate rising cost for establishing employee health care under t he new law. Speculation has emerged that some employers may seek to pay the annual penalty and let employees purchase insurance on the market place (, if this were to be the case this would cause 3-5 million people to lose employers-based health insurance. Ultimately, it would affect the individual as a result and ironically hinder the overall aim of the ACA. Rising cost for employers is but one example, another predicament arises concerning religious based employers and federal mandates of health coverage. Under the ACA, a minimum requirement of services is required in each health plan. While these plans include dental coverage as well as eye care, health care coverage is also expected to extend to contraceptive. Currently, the Supreme Court is court is reviewing provisions of the Affordable Care Act requiring for-profit employers of a certain size to offer insurance benefits for birth control and other reproductive health services without a co-payment (Mears, 2014). At issue is whether certain companies can refuse this coverage due to the violation of their long-established beliefs. The concern is that the approach of the federal government mandating this coverage is that it is unconstitutional and violates the employers rights. The perception is that it is further encroachment by the federal government and takes away any power or choic e from the individual. In conjunction with failing individual liberties and placing cost upon the individual, the belief held by opponents of the ACA is that it only focuses on registering people for health insurance as opposed to helping diminish the cost of health care. With an intense focus on having people register for health insurance under the new mandate penalties have been established for those who miss the March deadline for registration. If the individual does not qualify for Medicaid, then the person can expect to pay a $95 tax in 2014. This tax will increase to $325 in 2015 and in 2016 the cost rises to $695 (, 2013). As collateral during the registration, it is expected that 4 million people will end up paying taxes as a result rather than sign-up for insurance (, 2014). In a rush to have people registered, a certain percent of the population will fall through and end up acquiring more cost to bear. The goal of the act was to insure coverage and care for the American population. The ACA, in general, was synthesized to prevent any disparities. This does not appear to be the case as some will fall into a similar pattern of baring 100% of the cost and b required to pay an additional tax. As stated prior, the ACA is far from perfect; however, improvements can be made to fix the holes within the law. First, the ACA can seek to provide more choices when it comes to selecting a health plan. This can by restore startup funds for new consumer-driven health insurance cooperatives. This would allow for individual to have more options to access health coverage beyond traditional insurance companies. By creating more competition with the marketplace, premiums would diminish. Secondly, in order ease the transition for employers, it would be beneficial to expand the option for voluntary coverage for employers with fewer than 100 employees, This would enable small and those on the cusp of the current 50 employee rule to make their own choices for their businesses, and employees can shop for coverage on the individual marketplace. Lastly, The ACA can setup another way to register for health insurance. By offering more than one-way for individuals to enroll. It should seek to provide a permanent path, in addition to, so that consumers may seamlessly enroll directly through insurers. This is in response to the website crash the day of enrollment on March 31st, 2014 (Elperin, 2014). While the ACA has its faults, its aims to provide more coverage to Americans and place power within the hands of the individual. Because of this it should regarded in favor. This has been achieved by including free preventative care, holding insurance companies accountable and closing the Medicare Donut Hole. Issues are still relevant pertaining to the rush to enroll, employer grievances and tax penalties; however, these problems can be dealt with by the implementation of more competition in the health insurance marketplace and increasing the requirement for voluntary employer healthcare coverage.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The s Position On African American Family Life - 855 Words

The Herskovitsian Position on African American Family Life Melville Jean Herskovits was an American anthropologist who developed the African-American studies in academia. He was famous for his research on Africa and his studies on entomology. Herskovits was the first noticeable white man knowledgeable to express his black beliefs to which was not pathological however rather naturally African, and that it had to be observed within that perspective. He studied in areas like the traditions in art, music, dance, and other terms to determined cultural memory in modern-day black Americans many in which that are generations removed from Africa. In Herskovits book The Myth of the Negro Past, it holds generally a wide held assumptions about black people in America. The first interdisciplinary program at Northwestern University in African studies was founded in 1948 to which had sometime down the line formed the ASA (African Studies Association.) In chapter 3 in the Book The Myth of The Negro Past, he made very significant points that happens to be applicable to African American family life. Major points like â€Å"Even in the manual arts women are compelled to do all the drudgery of collecting raw material, etc. All these facts reveal how the great mass of male population escapes distasteful toil† (Page 58), this is an actual real life habit that men seem to have. Usually the women in mostly all African American house hold are the one cooking and cleaning, just basically takingShow MoreRelatedTo Kill a Mockingbird Analysis933 Words   |  4 PagesThe intriguing novel, To Kill A Mockingbird is written by the prestigio us author Harper Lee. Lee has utilised the lifestyle and attitudes towards ‘African-Americans in the 1930s to create a novel which presents the reader with Lees attitudes and values. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Miles Davis Persuasive Essay Example For Students

Miles Davis Persuasive Essay This book, written by Miles Davis, is the autobiography tht he wrote a few yearsbefore he died. In this book I found how he first became interested in jazz. Italso explains how he became one of the best jazz players of all time. Miles wasborn in Alton, Illinois in 1926 and grew up in eastern St. Louis. He learned howto play trumpet while in high school on the trumpet that his father gave to himfor his 13th birthday. He was a bog fan of jazz and said that the thing thatmade up his mind to be a musician was wheh he first heard Billy Eckstines bandwith Dizzy Gillespie on trumpet, and Charlie parker playing the sax. He thenmoved to New York looking for Charlie Parker and to study classical trumpet atJuilliard School of music. Aftera while parkers drug problem began to take overhis life, and this also affected Davis. Davis took some time toget over that,and by the late 50s he was a much bigger star than he had been before due tosome of his recent recordings. In 1969, Davis started to record more electronicmusic, which was the start of the azz-Rock. Later on, when he came out with thealbums A Tribute to Jack Johnson, and On the Corner, fans were dissapointed, andthought it was a terrible portrayal of the jazz they knew. Miles then sort ofdissapeared from the view of the public eye between 1975 and 1981, but even whenhe came back, he wasnt as into playing anymore as he had used to be. Heplayed again a couple times before he died in 1991 at 65 years old. As for theauthors description of the book, it was all first person, because he wrotethe book himself with the help of Quincy Troupe. My conclusion to this bookstrenghtens what I think about musicians. I dont understand why lots offamous people and especially musicians experiment with drugs. I would think thatif their life is going well why mess with it. Another thing this book made methink about is that Miles is still a very widely known artist. Before readingthis book I hadnt known that he died in 1991, I thought that him and his musicwas something that died long ago and only older people listened to. That iswrong though. I enjoyed this book and didnt realize before how much work ittakes to live forever in history.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Research Proposal on Peer Tutoring Essay Example

Research Proposal on Peer Tutoring Essay Peer tutoring is the process of education characterized by the fact that the teacher of the tutee is his classmate or merely the person of the same age and social status. Peer tutoring is a favorite tradition practiced in the USA, Great Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Smart students are involved in the teaching process and share their knowledge with their contemporaries trying to improve the current progress of the latter. The system of peer tutoring is straightforward. If the student has imperfect knowledge of the individual subject or topic, he can receive the constructive advice from the peer tutor. The tutors are most often the volunteers who not just help their mates with the solution of their educational problems, but gain experience and numerous communication and professional skills which can help in the process of teaching. It is natural that the tutor improves his knowledge repeating the information several times to the tutee. Peer tutors are not always the classmates of tutees; they both can be from different classes and can have a year or two age difference. The majority of tutors do not receive money reward from their tutees, being volunteers. Peer tutoring develops student’s responsibility, communicative and behavioral skills and prepares them for the grownup life. The job is even more useful for the students who are going to build an academic career and teach students in future. The dominant positive side of this type of tutoring is the selective approach towards studying because the relation between two contemporaries differs from the ones between the student and the grownup teacher. The student can teach the contemporary in the informal way which is not accepted by the grownup professor. We will write a custom essay sample on Research Proposal on Peer Tutoring specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Research Proposal on Peer Tutoring specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Research Proposal on Peer Tutoring specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Peer tutoring is the problem which is deserving student’s attention because the young person can dwell on the positive and negative sides of this method of education and present them in the detailed research proposal. To prepare a successful and quality project on peer tutoring, one should select the best points for the research and illustrate the methods applied for the investigation of the problem. The student has to complete a brief paper which contains the most challenging issues on peer tutoring and demonstrate the aim of the research. When there is a trouble with writing a research project, the student can pay attention to the online assistance of a free example research proposal on peer tutoring written by an expert. Nearly every free sample research proposal on peer tutoring can be quite helpful for the right organization of the structure of the text, its format and persuasive manner of writing. At writing service you can order a custom research proposal on Peer Tutoring topics. Your proposal will be written from scratch. We hire top-rated PhD and Master’s writers only to provide students with professional research proposal help at affordable rates. Each customer will get a non-plagiarized paper with timely delivery. Just visit our website and fill in the order form with all proposal details: Enjoy professional research proposal writing service!

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Children Should Start School Younger Than They Do Now Essay Example

Children Should Start School Younger Than They Do Now Essay Example Children Should Start School Younger Than They Do Now Paper Children Should Start School Younger Than They Do Now Paper Children Should Start School Younger Than They Do Now There is no doubt that parents want the best for their children. Some of them believe that children should stay at home or go to kindergartens until they are seven years old. Others think that it is important for kids to go to school as soon as possible. According to the statistics, our brain gets damaged as we grow old. As a child we have a capability to memorize anything quickly. So, it is really important to send children to school early and let them use their brain for all it is worth. Moreover, going to school early means finishing it at an early age. Is it an advantage, however? As far as this point is concerned, I think, we should follow the example of the USA. American children finish their school at the age of 18-19. Thus, they are already mature enough to make up their mind, to choose their future occupation. As for the Russian children, they are only 16-17 years old when they find themselves at a crossroads. They haven’t understood yet what they want to be, so they do what they’re told by their parents. As a result, they realize later that they entered not the university they wanted, and studied â€Å"not their scene†. In addition to that, by sending your child to school earlier you â€Å"steal† a year (or more) of his/her childhood, real and careless childhood. It may have a bad effect on children in the future and bring them a psychological trauma. So, if you ask me, I would never send my child to school earlier than at 7 years old. If you want my honest opinion, 5- and 6-year-old kids should play with dolls and toy cars instead of sitting at the desks at school.

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Answer my 6 questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Answer my 6 questions - Essay Example On point and work towards the cause collaboratively. I think social media has a huge influence on the life of every person. I cannot imagine living a single day without using Facebook and Twitter which keep me connected to my friends and family. In future, social media is likely to play a more active role in making young generation aware of all political, social, and economic matters. I think the concept of American dream has not changed a great deal from what it had been for previous generations. People of all time have been demanding complete freedom and equal human rights and these are the main dreams even for the young generation. My generation will change the country politically by playing voting for the right person, socially by working for resolving social issues, and economically by playing an active role in improving the economy of the country. To me, American dream has been successful. One example is that in America, there is no judicial discrimination even against foreigners. Second example is of personal freedom. In America, one can live the life with complete individual

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Explain what you have learned from your experience as member of a team Essay

Explain what you have learned from your experience as member of a team whose project was not completeted sucessfully - Essay Example The task was supposed to be finished overnight otherwise additional payments were to be incurred by the organization due to additional day of auditor’s visit. Our team failed to complete the assigned task within deadline, however somehow we were able to avoid the additional payment costs to the company. The reasons to this failure were later on studied in depth to extract results, inferences and lessons for future reference and better response. Next few paragraphs will discuss the lessons learned by the team. The first and far most important is the assignment of the task to a professional with appropriate skills and zeal to accomplish the assigned task. The initial assignment of the task seems to be a wrong assignment and lake of professionalism caused unnecessary delay in the completion of the investment report. An unfinished report was the ultimate result of this wrong assignment. Therefore purposeful evaluation of professional competence for a specific task is of core impor tance for the successful completion of the project. It is also evident from the findings that the project was not properly supervised for in time preparation of the investment report therefore the initial assignment was not completed.

Friday, January 31, 2020

Herman Harold Potok Essay Example for Free

Herman Harold Potok Essay Herman Harold Potok was born in the Bronx on the 17th of February in the year of 1929 (McCauley, 1E). It was later on in his life when he started using his Hebrew name, Chaim (McCauley, 1E). As a teenager, Chaim was drawn to the Conservative branch of Judaism, which caused problems in his family because both of his parents raised the family in Orthodox tradition (McCauley, 1E). All these problems in his life eventually inspired him to write one of his greatest books of all time, My Name is Asher Lev, in 1972 (McCauley, 1E). According to Chaim Potok, arts were seen as a distraction to the true purpose of Orthodox Jews. Their main purpose is to study the Torad and Talmud (McCauley, 1E). He went on to some religious and secular schools (Kremer, 202). He earned his B. A. summa cum laude in English literature from Yeshiva University in 1950 (Kremer, 202). He then went on to study at the Jewish Theological Seminary of America where he earned his M. H. L. degree, rabbinic ordination, the Homiletics Prize, the Hebrew Literature Prize, and the Bible prize in 1954 (Allen). And lastly in 1965, he received his Ph. D. in philosophy at the University of Pennsylvania (Allen). Chaim Potok was also a professor at Penn, Bryn Mawr, and at John Hopkins University from 1995 to 1998 (McCauley, 1E). And although Chaim Potok enjoyed teaching, his true passion was what he did best-writing novels. Over 34 years of his life, he wrote fourteen novels, four plays, and a few children’s books (McCauley, 1E). A novelist, Cynthia Ozick, stated â€Å"Chaim Potok wrote directly from the interior of the Jewish theological experience, rather than from the social experience. And they were best sellers. † Chaim Potok was a great universal writer who appealed to everyone. He lived in Pennsylvania with his wife of 44 years, Adena, and his three children, Rena, Naama, and Akiva until his passing on July 23, 2002 at the age of 73 due to brain cancer (Allen). One of Chaim Potok’s best sellers was his novel, Davita’s Harp. This novel is a story about a young girl, Ilana Davita Chandal, whose parents are involved with the Communist Party and keep up with the happenings of the Spanish Civil War (Potok). Her father, Michael Chandal, is a reporter for the local newspaper and gets sent to Spain to cover the war while Ilana and her mother, Anne Chandal, stay home and wish for the best outcome and his return (Potok). While over in Spain, a bomb goes off in the hotel where Michael Chandal is staying and he passes away (Potok). When Ilana and her mother were informed about Michael’s passing, they both handled it in different ways (Potok). Looking for answers, Ilana becomes interested with the Yiddish songs and saying Kaddish and starts to visit the synagogue even more often than before with her friend Ruthie Helfman and her cousin, David Dinn (Potok). Anne does not entirely agree with Ilana going to the synagogue all the time and so Ilana and Anne had many disagreements when Ilana wanted to start saying Kaddish for her deceased father, who was a Christian (Potok). Her mother then basically devoted her life to the Communist Party where she met and later got engaged to Charles Carter (Potok). Anne Chandal soon starts to question the Party she is in and leaves the Party (Potok). It was at this time when Charles Carter breaks off their engagement, which leaves Anne Chandal devastated and leads her to marry her cousin, Ezra Dinn (Potok). Jakob Daw, a long-term friend of Anne, and a close family friend whom Ilana calls â€Å"Uncle† Jakob, gets deported from the United States back to Europe where he dies shortly after (Potok). It was then that Anne Chandal decided to say Kaddish her dead friend, Jakob Daw (Potok). Time went by and Ilana continued to study Judaism and went to the Jewish junior high school where she graduated with honors. Ilana sometimes would lay on her bed and just day dream of her father and Uncle Jakob. She missed them very much, and eventually had to move on. Her mother becomes much happier after getting married to Ezra Dinn and going to the synagogue every Shabbos, the Sabbath Day. A little after Ilana’s graduation, her mother delivers a new baby girl whom they named Rachel. In this book, Chaim Potok uses the religion of Judaism to help mend Ilana Davita’s heart and structure her complicated life. Finding her culture in being Jewish and practicing Judaism was such an excitement to Ilana. She loved the Yiddish songs that her neighbors had always sung and was very curious to find out about the synagogue and the different practices that go along with Judaism. It was her religion of Judaism that truly gave her closure of losing her father due to the Spanish Civil War in Spain. In Davita’s Harp, Ilana Davita gradually becomes interested in her Jewish culture as more bad things in her life start to happen, like the death of her father and uncle Jakob. Ilana first started to wonder about Judaism when she had lived next door to her friend, cousin, and soon to be step-brother, David Dinn (Potok). She had heard David Dinn and his family singing songs in a different language; she did not know what they were but she wanted to find out. Then, after she moved into a new apartment, she met a little girl named Ruthie, who also sang these songs. Ilana would hear these songs being sung, and loved the melody and tune of the songs but could not understand them because they were in Yiddish. Yiddish is a German dialect that made its way to be a full language which had parts of Hebrew, Aramaic, Slavic, and Romance languages in it (Shyovitz). For almost a thousand years, Yiddish was known as the main and sometimes the only language that Jews spoke (Shyovitz). Yiddish, at one point in time was spoken by many Jews of different nationalities all around the world (Shyovitz). Around the twentieth century was when the Yiddish language stopped being a world-wide spoken language and began to be an exclusive language spoken only by very few, older Jews (Shyovitz). The decline in the speakers of the Yiddish language was due to the Holocaust that killed nearly six million European Jews. The ones that escaped being murdered during the Holocaust made their best efforts to learn the Yiddish language and make it their secondary language (Shyovitz). No one ever expected for Yiddish to become a dead language (Shyovitz). Every morning and every night, David Dinn and his father would get up extra early and head to the synagogue to say Kaddish. Upon seeing this day after day and night after night, Ilana Davita started to ask questions about where David Dinn and his father were going at such early times in the morning and what they were doing exactly. Her mother then explained to her that after someone in the family dies, the family goes every day continually for the next year to the synagogue to say Kaddish. Later in the story, Ilana’s father dies while being in Spain to report about the Spanish Civil War, and at this time her mother cannot get over the fact that he had really passed away, so her mother had spent more time away from home as possible (Potok). During all this time, Ilana decides to start going to the synagogue where she starts to say Kaddish. The type of Kaddish that David Dinn and his father are going to the synagogue to recite was called the Mourner’s Kaddish. The Mourner’s Kaddish was to be recited every day and night from the day of the death to the one year anniversary of the day of the death (Schoenberg). The reason for doing this every day and night is because it would stop the rush of everyday life before it began and right before it ended (Alexander, 420). A child under the age of thirteen may recite the Mourner’s Kaddish if one of their parents has died, and a girl is allowed to say it even though she is not required to do so (Schoenberg). Even though the words in the Kaddish have nothing to do with death, some say that it is a way of accepting the death than becoming bitter or angry with God for the death of their loved one (Schoenberg). According to Edward Alexander, the Kaddish stems from Psalms 113:2, which says â€Å"May the Name of the Lord be praised from now and forever. † The mourner’s Kaddish only applies to certain relatives like a mother, a father, a sister, a brother, a spouse, or a child (Alexander, 420). It is said that when a child says the mourner’s Kaddish for his parent that he is redeeming them from hell. The word Kaddish actually means sanctification and the prayer of Kaddish is the sanctification of God’s name (Schoenberg). So, what people are doing while they say Kaddish is sanctifying God’s name instead of being mad at Him and insulting Him for taking away their loved one. According to Tracey R. Rich, Jews believe that there is not a set of standards or beliefs that one needs to have in order to be a Jew, but they do believe that actions are more important than beliefs anyway (Rich). Judaism’s main focus is the relationships between God and many different groups including the Jews, human beings, mankind, and the law of Israel (Rich). The Jews have an ideal list of what every person practicing Judaism believes (Rich). This list contains things which make up a Jewish person’s religion of Judaism (Rich). Some of these things on this list include: 1) God exists; 2) God is One; 3) God is the Creator of everything; 4) God is omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient; 5) the Torah (the first five books of the Bible) were given to Moses as a guide; 6) God knows the thoughts and deeds of men; 7) God will reward the good and punish the wicked; 8) the Messiah will come; and 9) the dead will be resurrected (Rich). There were a few, but important things that drastically make the Jewish religion different than Christianity. This is why it was so bizarre when Ilana Davita thought she could say Kaddish for her Christian father. This is also the reason why Ilana’s mom and she bumped heads about saying Kaddish and also why the church had looked at her funny when she had started to stand up in the synagogue and recite Kaddish with the men. Usually women would not recite it, and Ilana knew that, but did not care at the time. Jews mainly believe everything that Christians believe except that Jews do not believe in the Trinity, like Christians do. Jews believe that God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are three different persons. Another main point that Jews believe is that there is no original sin. Jews believe that everyone is born with all purity because if Adam and Ever had to eat from the Tree of Good and Evil to become immortal, then they were born mortal (Judia). Jews believe that death is just a natural part of human existence and we do not die just because of Adam and Eve’s sin (Judia). Although the Jews had some different points than Christianity did, as Ilana’s aunt showed her, Ilana chose comfort in the Jewish religion. Ilana Davita’s main reason for switching to being Jewish was due to her mother’s negligence to her after they both had lost a member of their family. Anne Chandal was extremely hurt and basically tried her best to avoid anything that reminded her of her husband, which led her to stay away from home more. This constant loneliness made Ilana Davita find something that would comfort her. And in this case, it was the religion of Judaism. It was her culture and origin, so she felt as if that is what she was supposed to be doing with her life. It was what her friends practiced and what her mom used to practice. Soon after Ilana’s devotion to the synagogue and Jakob Daw’s passing, Anne Chandal joined her daughter, Ilana Davita, when she went to the synagogue. After Anne Chandal starts remolding her life with her daughter, one could tell that Ilana seems happier to have her mother back in her life, although she never really understood her and most everything that she said. But she looked up to her mother and was delighted when their relationship started to go back to normal, or even better than normal.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Barbie: Independent Woman or Damaging American Icon? Essays -- Argumen

Barbie: Independent Woman or Damaging American Icon? She's the classic American beauty, the woman we all dreamed of being at one point in our lives. She has long, tanned legs, cascades of blonde curls and has such perky breasts that she doesn't even need a bra. Although this character does not need air to breathe and is made of plastic, she has been one of America's most potent icons for more than 40 years and has affected girls in ways even human models aren't capable of. With 250 million Barbies in existence in the United States alone, there are more Barbies than there are people in the United States (Green 339). Barbie is adored by 8-year-old girls, collected by baby-boomer moms, and despised by feminists. No one can deny Barbie's unmistakable popularity. I myself am still the owner of 10-12 well-worn Barbie dolls. They are the outcome of much begging and pleading with my parents and their many unsuccessful attempts at getting me to stop sucking my thumb. Barbie was fascinating to me because she was a woman, not a baby like my other dolls. My sister and I spent hours creating complex "grown-up" scenarios with Barbie and her counterparts. Although I have fond memories of those afternoons of make-believe, I am now a more consciences adult aware of Barbie's shortcomings as such a powerful cultural icon. Although some people would call Barbie a feminist due to her multiple careers and her independent, fun-loving personality, I now see that Barbie’s unrealistic body size, her association with consumerism, and her potent sexuality make her a negative and harmful American icon. Barbie was conceived in 1959 by Ruth Handler (Green, A. 1/2). While on vacation in Germany, Ruth found a novelty d... ...rth Island Journal 11:4 (1996). Academic Search Elite. Palni SiteSearch. Goshen College Good Library. 3 Mar. 2001. Matheny, Krista. "Many Women Believe Barbie Damages Society." Murray State News U-Wire 18 Feb. 2000. <> McConnell, Tandy, ed. American Decades: 1990-1999. Farmington Hills, MI: Gale, 2001. Prager, Emily. "Our Barbies, Ourselves." Signs of Life in the U.S.A.: Readings on Popular Culture For Writers. 3rd Ed. Maasik, Sonia and Jack Solomon. Boston: Bedford, 2000. 706-709. Robertson, Virginia. "Special Report on Reaching Girls: What Barbie Says About Girls." Aug. 1997. Kidscreen: About Reaching Children Through Entertainment <> "The Culture of Beauty." Diabetes Forcast Jul 1995. Academic Search Elite. Palni SiteSearch. Goshen College Good Library. 3 Mar. 2001. Barbie: Independent Woman or Damaging American Icon? Essays -- Argumen Barbie: Independent Woman or Damaging American Icon? She's the classic American beauty, the woman we all dreamed of being at one point in our lives. She has long, tanned legs, cascades of blonde curls and has such perky breasts that she doesn't even need a bra. Although this character does not need air to breathe and is made of plastic, she has been one of America's most potent icons for more than 40 years and has affected girls in ways even human models aren't capable of. With 250 million Barbies in existence in the United States alone, there are more Barbies than there are people in the United States (Green 339). Barbie is adored by 8-year-old girls, collected by baby-boomer moms, and despised by feminists. No one can deny Barbie's unmistakable popularity. I myself am still the owner of 10-12 well-worn Barbie dolls. They are the outcome of much begging and pleading with my parents and their many unsuccessful attempts at getting me to stop sucking my thumb. Barbie was fascinating to me because she was a woman, not a baby like my other dolls. My sister and I spent hours creating complex "grown-up" scenarios with Barbie and her counterparts. Although I have fond memories of those afternoons of make-believe, I am now a more consciences adult aware of Barbie's shortcomings as such a powerful cultural icon. Although some people would call Barbie a feminist due to her multiple careers and her independent, fun-loving personality, I now see that Barbie’s unrealistic body size, her association with consumerism, and her potent sexuality make her a negative and harmful American icon. Barbie was conceived in 1959 by Ruth Handler (Green, A. 1/2). While on vacation in Germany, Ruth found a novelty d... ...rth Island Journal 11:4 (1996). Academic Search Elite. Palni SiteSearch. Goshen College Good Library. 3 Mar. 2001. Matheny, Krista. "Many Women Believe Barbie Damages Society." Murray State News U-Wire 18 Feb. 2000. <> McConnell, Tandy, ed. American Decades: 1990-1999. Farmington Hills, MI: Gale, 2001. Prager, Emily. "Our Barbies, Ourselves." Signs of Life in the U.S.A.: Readings on Popular Culture For Writers. 3rd Ed. Maasik, Sonia and Jack Solomon. Boston: Bedford, 2000. 706-709. Robertson, Virginia. "Special Report on Reaching Girls: What Barbie Says About Girls." Aug. 1997. Kidscreen: About Reaching Children Through Entertainment <> "The Culture of Beauty." Diabetes Forcast Jul 1995. Academic Search Elite. Palni SiteSearch. Goshen College Good Library. 3 Mar. 2001.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

It320 Hmwk 4.1

Wan Technology/ Unit 4 Assignment: 4. 1 1. At what layer of the OSI model does CDP operate? Data Link layer 2. What is the primary use for CDP? To discover information about directly connected Cisco devices 3. What network layer protocols can CDP provide information for? IP, Internetwork Packet Exchange (IPX), and AppleTalk 4. When CDP is enabled on an interface, a router (or switch) sends CDP advertisements on a regular basis, which list information about the sending router. Included in the packets are a series of Type/Length/Value, or TLV, data structures. . The show cdp neighbors command can be used to display one line of information about each directly connected CDP-enabled device. List the six pieces of information displayed. Device ID, local interface, holdtime, capability, platform, and port ID 6. In the topology of all Cisco devices shown in Figure 4-1, you are on Host A and consoled in to RTA. What devices can you see in the output from CDP commands? SWA, RTB, and RTC only the directly connected devices that are attached to RTA 7. How would you gather information about other CDP-enabled devices in the network?By Telneting to those devices and using the show cdp neighbors command 8. From RTB in Figure 4-1, what devices can you see in the output from CDP commands? RTA and RTD 9. From RTC in Figure 4-1, what devices can you see in the output from CDP commands? RTA and RTD 10. From RTD in Figure 4-1, what devices can you see in the output from CDP commands? RTB, RTC, and SWB 11. cdp run Global Enables CDP globally on the router. cdp enable Interface Enables CDP on an interface. lear cdp counters Privileged EXEC mode Resets the traffic counters to 0. show cdp entry User or privileged EXEC mode Displays information about a specific neighbor. show cdp interface User or privileged EXEC mode Displays information about interfaces on which CDP is enabled. show cdp neighbors [detail] User or privileged EXEC mode Displays at least six pieces of information a bout the neighbor 12. The cdp run command enables CDP globally on the router. By default, CDP is globally enabled. The enable cdp command enables CDP on a particular interface. 13.Fill in the appropriate commands in the configuration/output that follows: RTC(config)#cdp run_ <– Command that will start CDP RTC(config)#interface Ethernet 0 RTC(config-if)#no cdp enable <– Turn off CDP on this interface RTC(config-if)

Monday, January 6, 2020

Inmates Welfare and Development - 1885 Words

Chapter 1 THE RESEARCH PROBLEM Introduction The Bureau of Jail Management and Penology envisions itself as a dynamic institution highly regarded for its sustained humane safekeeping and development of inmates. This is indeed a very noble vision which has guided the institution over the last 20 years. With this, the Bureau aims to enhance public safety by providing humane safekeeping and development of inmates. In line with the vision, the Bureau endeavors to formulate policies and guidelines in the administration of all district, city and municipal jails nationwide, provide for the basic needs of inmates, and conduct activities for the development of inmates to ultimately improve their living conditions in accordance with the†¦show more content†¦Then, once a person feels a sense of â€Å"belongingness†, the need to feel important arises. Esteem Needs may be classified as internal or external. Internal esteem needs are those related to self-esteem such as self-respect and recognition. Some esteem needs are self-respect, achievement, attention, recognition, and reputation. Maslow later refined his model to include a level between esteem needs and self-actualization: the need for knowledge and aesthetics. Next is the Self-actualization Need, it is the summit of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. It is the quest of reaching one’s full potential as a person. Unlike low er level needs, this need is never fully satisfied; as one grows psychologically, there are always new opportunities to continue to grow. Self-actualized people tend to have needs such as truth, justice, wisdom, and meaning. Self-actualized persons have frequent occurrences of peak experiences, which are energized moments of profound happiness and harmony. According to Maslow, only a small percentage of the population reaches the level of self-actualization. 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